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Our members share these key values: projects should have non, or limited, profit distribution, spaces should be genuinely affordable for the local community, and they should be co-designed and co-managed by their users.

MEANWHILE SPACE launched in 2009 as the pioneering social enterprise at the forefront of UK meanwhile use. We bring temporarily redundant space into productive use, and have occupied over 60 properties, from small high street shops offered free to local groups, to colourful sheds for start-up retail, to professional tech and creative workspaces. Our projects transform unloved, difficult buildings in areas with high deprivation into affordable space for communities to meet, work and launch ideas.

ALTE MU is an ensemble of buildings of the former Muthesius School of Art, built in the 1950s in the heart of Kiel, the capital of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. After being abandoned, this place has been used since 2013 by the ALTE MU Impuls-Werk e.V., a community of creative minds and initiatives, that aims to revive the city and set cultural, innovative and creative impulses for a sustainable society.

INSTITUT FOR (X) is characterised by a diverse blend of cultural productions, small medium sized businesses and education. Currently the area contains 250 + active members, 90 studios and workshops, 50 businesses, 25 associations. Institut For (X) is structured as a self-managed and self-built environment and a city within the city, containing activities that are referring outward as well as inwards. The many users actively collaborate in a supportive network and hands-on environment that invites everyone to use and co-produce it. In this sense Institut For (X) is continuously redefined by growth and adaptation by the members ofthe platform.

is an experimental social temporary use platform that supports culture organizers in reanimating vacant buildings as affordable and exciting spaces in Riga, Latvia. We offer vacant property management services to acquire vacant buildings from private owners, then curate and support a mix of cultural and social initiatives as residents and co-producers of these spaces. FREE RIGA is currently running highly diverse projects in 5 locations, totalling 24500m2 in 24 buildings and 5ha of outdoor space.

COMMUNA is a NPO based in Brussels and born in 2013. Our mission is to turn cities into affordable, democratic, resilient and creative places. We achieve our mission by:
1. Curating empty spaces and turn them into vivid commons.
2. Spreading our vision by proposing our expertise to the public authority and training collectives.
3. Making our vision durable by buying property via the Community Land Trust mechanism
4. Federating social temporary use actors by supporting STUN’s development.
5. Creating strong local ecosystems by mutualising services, ideas and knowledge.

YES WE CAMP propose an inventive use of available space. Since 2013, the association has been exploring the possibilities of building, living in and using shared spaces by offering innovative, functional and inclusive temporary facilities. For each project, Yes We Camp calls on the targeted skills of professionals in its network and works in conjunction with local stakeholders. Today, the permanent team brings together around fifty people based in Marseille and Paris who share the same desire to contribute to the contemporary world.
